Upcoming Events!
Cabin Usage Calendar:
- Only viewable (Will show 'busy' or 'cabin in use' if it is NOT available.)
- Contact Kristel to reserve (call, text, email her or the office)
Upcoming Events:
- March 31: Ladies Bible Study, morning 9-10:30 & evening 6-7:30 in the cabin
- April 2: Prayer Meeting @ 7 p.m.
- April 12: Men's Breakfast @ 7:30 a.m. in the cabin
- April 15: CE Meeting @ 6:45 p.m.
- April 18: Good Friday Service @ 7 p.m.
- April 20: Easter
- Food served 8-9 a.m. with service at 10 a.m. No Sunday School or D6:5
- Food served 8-9 a.m. with service at 10 a.m. No Sunday School or D6:5
- May 30, 31 & June 1: 150th Celebration Weekend
Men's Breakfast -April 12 @ 7:30 a.m.
The men of the church are grabbing an early Saturday morning breakfast together at 7:30 a.m. in the church cabin.
All men and boys are invited to join in this time of fellowship.
All men and boys are invited to join in this time of fellowship.
Women's Breakfast - Not meeting in March
All women and girls are invited to join in this time of fellowship meeting in the cabin.