Why Give?
When you consider everything that happens at Bethel, it's obvious that church isn't free. But God's Word doesn't tell us to give to church for the services that we receive. We give to say "thank you" to the Lord for all He's done. Giving back a portion of all that He's given to us – joyfully, thankfully – tells God that our hearts belong to Him. We pray your offering comes from a grateful heart.
We also encourage you to be in the habit of "first fruits" giving; that is, giving first to God, then taking care of other expenses. However, please know that we will never guilt you into giving, nor will we push you toward any amount. That's between you and God. |
You can give, securely online, by clicking the button on the top or bottom of this page. We use a service called, tithe.ly. Clicking the button will take you to that service.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (574) 862-2631 or an email at office@bethelmissionarychurch.org
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (574) 862-2631 or an email at office@bethelmissionarychurch.org